How to set up Azure for Sesame?
1. Access the following link to start setting up Azure:
Next, in the Azure Services section, click on the Azure Active Directory option.
2. Then, in the left side menu, click on Enterprise Applications.
3. On the top menu, select the option New application, and next click on Create your own application.
4. Then, the modal below will open, from where you will have to:
- Fill out the field “What’s the name of your app?” by entering the name with which you want to identify it (For instance: Sesame).
- Select the 3rd option: Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery.
- Click on Create. Keep in mind that this process may take a while.
5. A view with the General Information of the created enterprise application will open.
If the view does not load, you can find the created application in the list of applications that appears in the Enterprise Applications section and click to access the General Information section.
6. In the left side menu of the Overview section, select the option "Single sign-on".
7. Next, select SAML.
8. In section number 1: select Edit in SAML Basic Settings, a modal with several fields will open and you will have to fill it in with the information you find in Sesame.