What types of responses can a survey have?
There are up to 7 answer types for each question in Sesame.
- Single answer: you can create different answers and employees must pick one.
- Multiple answers: you can create different answers and employees may choose as many as they want to.
- Text response: employees type their answers in a text box.
- Range: employees pick from a range from 1 to 6, being 1 the lowest (completely disagrees) and 6 the highest (completely agrees).
- Satisfaction: among the 5 available emojis, your staff can choose their satisfaction level.
- Star rating: employees will rate with stars, picking from one (low) to a maximum of five (high).
- Organizational chart: you will be able to see on the organizational chart the response rate of each employee. Each answer will be assigned a colour to make it easier to identify.